192 articles found

Victims of Hamas Attacks to Sue Iran Et Al

The US and UK have been joined by France, Germany, Japan and other countries in suspending aid to the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees.

Antisemitism isn’t a function of ordinary unkindness but a weapon in which the Jews are demonized to achieve a political purpose.

Secretary of State Blinken does not seem to care that the great majority of Israelis, even left-wingers, do not trust Palestinian leadership.

Seeing mobs raging on campuses and in citiez calling for Israel's destruction has proved a seminal moment in American Jewish history.

The accusation of genocide by Israel is patently absurd, but the kangaroo court in The Hague can still harm Israel and Jews worldwide.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers must remember that Israel is not an American vassal state.

The Russia-Iran-China Axis

Bide was prematurely proclaimed 'most pro-Israel president ever', given his administration's interference in Israel's war on Hamas.

As co-founder of Lewin & Lewin law firm, Alyza Lewin reflects on key lessons she has learned in arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court.