190 articles found

The prospect of a ground war in Lebanon is met with questions about U.S. material support for Israel.

Acting slowly and deliberately, Israel can learn as it goes, adapting its operations to the conditions it discovers on the ground in fighting Hezbollah.

'All of us should be proud of what Nicky Winton did to save so many, and proud of Montana's Jewish heritage.'

Delicious evening snacks and cocktails with a view

Middle East expert McGurk met with Iran's Ali Bagheri Kani this week to focus on three topics of mutual interest.

Law Enforcement Ends U Utah Pro-Palestinian Rally

Elon Musk, among others, argue that diversity-equity-inclusion efforts constitute blatant racism.

Artist & Activist Weiming Chen Uses Art to Counter the CCP’s Message and its Goals

Victims of Hamas Attacks to Sue Iran Et Al

The US and UK have been joined by France, Germany, Japan and other countries in suspending aid to the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees.